Roses are red
violets are blue...
You've cause so much pain as anyone could tell.
No one wants to be around you because it's like...
Things over here,
Things over there...
What do i see? oh what do I hear?
Listen oh listen its coming so near...
What have I done to my hair today?!?
I thought it was getting so boring the other way...
Rev it up baby go real fast!
Hurry up now, don't want the feeling to last...
Boy walks to girl
GIRL- yay my b_h is here...
I'd give you my homework,
If only I could...
~ DIRECT APPROACH, is when the question is asked...
~ SWEET BUT SNAKY APPROACH, that is when the guy...
Look lock leep lock look lock leep lock look lock...
say that five times real fast and see if you can...
What could've happened,
Where did they go...
I fell off my chair,
And landed on my bum...