Funny Quotes

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  • Elementary School- "He started it!"

    Middle School- "It was a dare!"

    High School- "I was drunk."

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  • Her belt was hard-pressed to keep up her pants

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  • Losing your virginity is a lot like Fable II: It starts off strange, but it gets easier real fast. Before you know it, it's over! And then you can do what ever the hell you want.

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  • Thinks procrastination is a lot like masturbation... At first it seems like a really fun idea, but in the end you realize that you're just f**king yourself

    by Punkin
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  • They say honesty is the best way to go. But how do you tell someone that you were dreaming about them? You don't, you lie and say it was a nightmare.

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  • Everyone knows a mike. =)

    by Merdy
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  • The real trouble with my sarcasm is that half the time, when people think I'm being sarcastic, I'm actually being quite sincere

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  • "Every woman should use what mother nature gives her before father time takes it away".

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  • Now is my new hour of stress,
    Minutes ticking forth a mess!

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  • You be my dairy queen & i'll be your burger king.
    you treat me right & i'll do it your way.

    by Bugg
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