Funny Quotes

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  • A good friend would bailyou out of jail but a best friend would be sitting beside you saying " were in a whole heck of a lot of trouble but danm that was fun"

    1 0
  • If we werent suppose to mispronounce words, then why do they spell them so funny?

    by Melanie
    1 0
  • If you only expect the unexpected, is there really anything to expect?

    by Briana
    1 0
  • Life is cruel, Life can suck,
    Fate does not rule unless we let it!

    1 0
  • "Love is when a girl puts on perfume & a boy puts on shaving cologne & they go out & smell each other."
    Kari - age 5
    ...haha just thought that was kinda cute

    1 0
  • Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream"

    1 0
  • If you find a friend better or sweeter than me, go ahead, i wont stop you but when that person leaves you, look behind, i'll be there, ready to kick you and say, "better than me,huh??"

    by anagha
    1 0
  • It take
    Only one positive hand
    To lift the pressure
    To boost it
    Making cheerful
    And fruitful

    by Lucifer
    0 0
  • Innocent looks
    With lovely eyes carrying cute face
    Holding sweet smile
    I’m the princes
    Whom you often dream of
    Who has the power to change
    Your faith.

    by Lucifer
    0 0
  • Problem is I've had to wait all day, now my patience is whispering impatient thoughts

    by Mark
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