Finding the right wife out of 4 billion women is like a quadratic equation. |
Think like a CPU, act like a display! |
When you put the upper half of a Bic pen in sunlight and lower part in a shade, a blazing ring of light forms at the tube base. |
"Everybody Hates Chris", but I like him because he is very funny. |
I do not wear tattoos, denim jeans, wigs, bangles nor ties. |
My day lasts 25 hours; 24 on the clock and one hour in my dreams. |
The Funniest Joke the Devil and his advocates have ever cracked is that GOD has no money, hahehihohu, yet HE can create anything. |
Watch and hear your bird ,who knows to sing a sad song rather than listen to other birds in the bushes which sing happy song. |
The world is a stage, and a stage is a world of entertainment |
Those who are too sloppy, they are most honest in spirit |