Funny Poems About Relationships

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  • The Crush (7)

    by Tasha

    Here I sit
    Pencil in hand...

  • Froggy's Dream (7)

    by Twisted Heart

    I'm just a frog on a lily pad
    Sitting in this pond...

  • Limerick (7)

    by Pianist

    A Limerick is based on five lines,
    and if you do so, you'll be fine...

  • Im 17 your 16 (7)

    by josh mills

    I love you so much
    i cant seem to forget your touch...

  • You're for me (7)

    by jazmin

    There might be other fish in the sea
    but you're the fish for me...

  • Boy, Oh Boy (7)

    by Liz

    When you just had a crush on him it was:
    Boy, you're cute...

  • Incomplete (7)

    by luv Shelbz luv

    Excuse me
    Do you have a band-aid...

  • Ten minutes in the shower, thats all it takes.
    Five minutes on her hair, she makes do with what...

  • The Creator's Game (7)

    by Brittney Follett

    (Yes it says funny. I kinda think it is. It's not...
    The Creator's Game...

  • You're a man now ricky! (7)

    by anonymous lyrell

    We started young
    you're short and thick...

  • U r my honey bunch.. (7) 2

    by Xx Alone in my Quandary xX

    U r my honey bunch,
    sugar plum...

  • Your Name (7)

    by writeXlovexonxherXarms

    Your Name the Original Version
    I wrote your name in the sky...