Funny Poems About Relationships

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  • Love Stinks (6)

    by Daisy if you do

    My best friend had a party about a year ago
    To celebrate the birthday of her brand new beau...

  • All i wanna do (6)

    by jLegendc

    I wanna tease you all the time,
    Just try to catch me when I'm running around...

  • I'm Sorry (6)

    by TorturedTourniquet

    Just one of those things that popped into my head...
    I'm sorry...

  • Because of him (6)

    by Hearts Abyss

    You'll get hurt
    physically, and mentally...

  • A phone bill came out exceptionally high. Big Dad...
    Dad pleaded, I do not use our phone unless someone...

  • Goofy Love (6) 1

    by Maple Tree

    I cordially invite you, Husband of mine
    to enter my world of toxic rhyme...

  • Shallow love (6) 1

    by Wafaa

    I love you
    because you have big eyes...

  • Cryptic Crap! (6) 1

    by Zabadak

    When you write poetry it's meant to be read,
    By people who want to read all that you've said...

  • Insomnia poets society (6) 5

    by Michael

    And so the sands of time
    the fettle and fandangle...

  • Somebody's Gotta Do It (syntuit) (6) 5

    by Larry Chamberlin

    It's a husband's job
    to misconstrue his wife's tastes...

  • Perspective (senyru) (6) 3

    by Michael

    If I move angel around
    you would see it from...

  • On the Make (Tyburn) (6) 3

    by Kitty Cat Lady
