Funny Poems About Relationships

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  • Men (4)

    by BrOkEN dReAMs sEAleD wId a kIsS

    *i got this in an email it entertained me so here...

  • The New Maths Teacher (4)

    by LuvMeAlwayz

    There's a new maths teacher,
    he walks in my class...

  • I told her I loved her
    But is it true...

  • Best friends? or not? (4)

    by graceNrachael

    Your my friend till the end of the world
    Until we get attacked by an evil squirrel...

  • First We state that girls require time and money,
    Girls = time x money...

  • It can't be true! (4)

    by Raychil

    I saw it on a shirt the other day
    I couldn't believe my eyes...

  • The playa (4)

    by x naomi jayy x

    Roses r red, violets r blu, im in love but not...

  • Answering your Question (4)

    by ....I forgot....

    You sit right across from me in algebra
    When you turned around to ask me I thought he...

  • I wish (4)

    by XoLindseyoX

    I wish i never saw u
    or introduced myself...

  • Earth consist of all humankind,
    Both males and females...

  • He's Crazy (4)

    by Mycquel

    Remember that secret of mine
    His craziness slipped out in due time...

  • I'm in love with the man across the way
    The man who sits on his tiny balcony...