I liked him a lot
And he liked me back...
She always did have a crush on him.
Cute, smart and funny with the name of Jim...
Condom Slogans:
1. Cover your stump before you hump...
He is plump, a little dumb, four year old...
I was, on a story-telling mission, "Once...
I went out with the guys
From work last night...
You touch my hand and look at me.
There is a message in your eyes...
I am big!
I am strong...
Oh My god I can't stand you
Why do you look so adorable...
My girl got a g-string,
never thought she would...
I love you...
For real and for true...
I was out to win you over
It was you I wanted in my arms...
I broke a dish
and mom got mad...