Tongue Twisters

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  • Thorny limerick (5)

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Thorny limerick
    There once was a lady from California...

  • Wood Chuck (2)

    by Mika

    How much wood
    could a wood chuck...

  • Rain drops knock on my roof
    Drip-drop, drip-drop, drip-drop...

  • Funky Monkey (2)

    by DeepLife

    Try saying "Funky Monkey" 10 times fast.
    You'll find that it is hard to say and it changes...

  • Tongue Twister#1

    by Victoria

    Say "Sally Sue" 5 times fast
    Sally Sue...

  • Howyouhow (4)

    by natasha

    No matter no matter we get we alway be together...

  • How many skips can the hip skip flipper flip...

  • Tree up ure Bum (1)

    by jabussa

    Say zao cow when he walks he talks on his talky...

  • The big black bug (2)

    by Kathleen OBrien

    The big black bug bled black blood all over the...
    this ones a killer. let me knew what you think...

  • Bouncy baby (3)

    by jinxerella

    Bouncy baby Bobby bounced big bounces, better...

  • Red and Yellow (8)

    by Emylie

    Just say this 5 TIMES REALLY FAST (BUT YOU HAVE TO...
    Red letter, yellow letter...

  • Not worth it

    by Ms Stacy

    This man I know who flirt a lot, can not simple...