Tongue Twisters

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  • E tounge twister say 3xs fast (2)

    by Avrii Monrielle

    Emma entered epithales,embarking essential...

  • An ABC story (3)

    by Brandi

    A turtle
    Bit poor Bianca's...

  • Tomorrows what?! (12)

    by Brandi

    Today is tomorrows yesterday
    though yesterdays tomorrow is today...

  • Hello (2)

    by natasha

    Hello fellow American people fellow hello fellow...
    (say it really fast...

  • Sure? (1)

    by Steven

    You are the only one for me
    the only one for sure...

  • Sally's Sharp Shrill (2)

    by Steven Beesley

    She said she saw Sally sitting so still.
    Sally said she saw stars so screeched a sharp...

  • One 2 tree *quish* (4)

    by jabussa

    Say i want so muilky swan
    8 times quickly...

  • Look (3)


    ::Not a tongue twister, but it didn't fit into any...
    ::Look Down...

  • Miss susie how i learned it (3)


    Miss Susie had a tug boat the tug boat had a bell...

  • Silly Sally

    by Nicolette

    Silly Sally slipped on soap one day,
    She slipped and wailed I'll slippery slop into fat...

  • Howyouhow (4)

    by natasha

    No matter no matter we get we alway be together...

  • Hes edived in pal

    by natasha

    Weather the weather is cold weather the weather is...