Tongue Twisters

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  • This That (3)

    by Luzzi

    This that that this,
    Pissarama piss...

  • Candid Cindy (5)

    by Walter Krijthe

    Candid Cindy ceased to certify copper cans for...

  • Truth of Idioms (2)

    by Verity Han

    If Monkey see, Monkey do,
    Then what if Monkey ate some poo...

  • The Rhyming (7)

    by Darkest Angel

    The Rhyming
    Keeping up with the time...

  • Fish Fun (4)

    by MandiMae

    Tish wished with a dish for a fish on her fishy...
    This tongue twister is simple, hopefully you can...

  • Happy Harry has a cat
    Happy Harry's cats named Pat...

  • A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big...

  • Try this (3)

    by howwilltheystopme

    Try saying hic-up as fast as
    u can for 15 times at most...

  • T is for Tongue Twister. (7)

    by Spoken Silence

    Two Tiny Tasmanians Took A Tainted Tool And Traded...

  • Around The World (3)

    by Gregory W Golden

    Peppermint wind
    Around the world eighty days...

  • Mr Micheal Michaelson married Mrs marrymen, moved...
    [[say 5 times fast...

  • Sally (4)

    by your love is mine

    My sis silly Sally
    try saying that 5 times fast...