Created in the image and likeness of the divine
Some words pass through me as if they were mine...
I wonder what
Will come to be...
He stumbled on the little train,
Left out on the floor again...
"I have not come to call the righteous but...
What do you suppose would be the key word in this...
'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find...
Oh my Lord
let me be water...
The pen before me lies, devoid of ink,
Its barren nib a silent witness to my thoughts...
I wonder if the Israeli army
bomb children in the sabbath day too...
In the shadows of the mind, it lurks unseen,
A silent storm, a ghostly scream...
Help me, O Lord, I implore,
To quell the demon at my core...
Count each blessing, however small,
From the heavens above, they gently fall...
In the morn of days, when time was but young,
God’s gentle hands beheld, creation sung...