Poems About Meaning of Life

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  • Life's about a hell of a lot more than being...
    That's the best way I can honour my friends that...

  • Desire (Haiku) (7)

    by Sean Dohr

    All I desire,
    is an autonomous life...

  • Sand and stone (7)

    by Some Random Guy42

    Write something in sand and it washes away
    write something in stone and it stays...

  • My world (7)

    by chavii

    In my world there is no tear to cry,
    no fear or pain to cloud over ones mind...

  • A perfect world (7)

    by The Angel of Secrets

    This misconception of a perfect world,
    Darkness within this perfect girl...

  • My Little angel (7)

    by chavii

    Thank you O lord for blessing me with my little...
    All the darkness has now been transformed into...

  • Mixed feelings.. (7)

    by Jessica

    There are so many emotions
    Running through my veins...

  • Why? (7)

    by Taylor09

    Why love when your heart will just break?
    Why go to school when you know everyone is so...

  • Clockwork to Satisfy Terminal Triggers (7)

    by -Ghostship Fidelity-

    ~~~~~~~~Into a sun that never sets, they stare
    ~~~~~A black circle is forming in the place it...

  • Life (7)

    by Hareem

    Great blessings are bestowed upon mankind
    So many in number, hard to bear in mind...

  • Memories. (7)

    by pseudo

    Yesterday seems so far ago.
    We try to focus on today...

  • Sometimes I just lie awake thinking
    why have...