Poems About Meaning of Life

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  • The Soldier (17)

    by UM

    Barely Eighteen,
    crouching in the scrub...

  • I can but dream, a place to flee
    somewhere for once, I can be free...

  • How could such beauty,
    Grow amid such pain...

  • Heaven (16) 10

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    I whisk away the dreams of days
    gone far beyond my grasp...

  • I am afraid... (16) 8 HM

    by Michael

    I’m not afraid of the dark, but
    I am afraid of what's...

  • A mystical mirage of emotion
    silences waves, that crash over...

  • The Art Of Crying (16)

    by Timothy r

    Tears may fall, but what do they mean
    without love and hate thinly between...

  • Contradictions (16)

    by Finalgravedigger

    Contradictions ( Collab Contest )
    By FinalGravedigger and ChaoticBB(I'm with stupid...

  • Oh tree (16)

    by Finalgravedigger

    Oh tree, what do you see?
    With your eyes what can you tell me. I know you...

  • Life Is A Highway (16)

    by dollwithafrown

    Trekking along the never-ending road
    As the cars and trucks just pass on by...

  • Line of Life (16)

    by Misstress

    When fate begun to pursue us
    Time pauses for a moment...

  • The answer is simple (15) 8

    by Dagmar Wilson

    As I am rinsing off my face
    tears are floating down the drain...