Poems About Meaning of Life

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  • Save yourself (Crystalline) (3)

    by Khalid M Darwish

    If you want to live away of hurt,
    with job offered and impact saved...

  • Words & Bodies (3)

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Be words not bodies
    Words sustain for centuries...

  • Try to write a poem worth reading,
    Worth an average person to give...

  • Mirror (2)

    by Peace And Dinos

    Mirror, Mirror of thy heart,
    You reflect a soul thats been ripped apart...

  • Love Never Leaves (2)

    by Beautiful Chaos

    Why oh why, can dear, sweet love not be found?
    Are these eyes too old and blind to see it...

  • Faded memories. (9) 1

    by nmdoza

    Memories, memories, flow through my head.
    Unforgotten memories that dwell in my head...

  • During the deepest hours (4)

    by Countess of Monte Cristo

    I ask myself
    During the deepest hours of loneliness...

  • Unbreakable (3)

    by ganjaru

    My depression...

  • What is life? (7) 1

    by Mister 47

    People say that life is a school,
    That teaches us all how to not be a fool...

  • Perfect Family ( synchronicity) (3)

    by Crystal Rose Blooming

    Crystal Vase on an oak table
    Vibrant colors brighten the room...

  • Secret footprints (2)

    by Tangible heartache

    The reason why god left footprints in the sand,
    Was for you to follow; let him lead your way...

  • Under the Moonlight (a sestina) (2)

    by Gabba Gabba Hey

    I wonder when I'll begin to hope
    or for once be able to wish...