A Test For True Believers
By Mark Spencer...
When I looked into the mirror today,
All my flaws were looking back...
Angels among Us
There are things in life...
Quietly observing the laugh
Quietly absorbing the pain...
The Meaning of Life
We stubble through life like drunken dancers...
Last year is gone
A slice of my past...
Created a life then they locked her away
A playpen where she spent most every day...
When I think back to that fateful day
I now have so much I would like to say...
Life Is A Bridge
It May Be Long , It May Be Short...
There's the girl smiling outwardly
Inside she's struggling with pain...
I want to tell that little boy his Mom will be...
I want to tell that dad we got his daughter out in...
You dreamed you were an angel,
Beautiful and fair...