Poems About Life

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  • Forget it while you can
    Don’t trouble your mind man...

  • Tired (10) 6

    by Vince Gullaci

    I'm tired
    more tired...

  • When You're Gone (10) 4

    by Sourav

    Wake up my friend, sun is ready to rise
    Dawn has brought, may be a new surprise...

  • Cordless phone (8) 9

    by Mr. Darcy

    cutting my landline
    cable set me free from all...

  • Explicit signals (syntuit) (5) 6

    by Larry Chamberlin

    No pain meds for me,
    he told me, I want to know...

  • Grown Ups (9) 5

    by Kips2.0

    We were so young,
    with our minds so clear and simple...

  • Frozen Moment (8) 6

    by Sourav

    No matter where you are- how far you've gone
    In the same way, you'll find a mournful dawn...

  • Allahuakbar!!! (12) 4

    by Putera

    I'll always believe in Allah, no matter what they...
    Even if they give me gold, I won't be there to...

  • Perception (5) 3

    by Walter

    I may not be rich
    But I have money to spend...

  • There it is! (Senyru) (8) 4

    by Michael

    Not looking for it
    but something was found once lost...

  • Matriarchal led
    only mammal that can't jump...

  • If you're (2) 5

    by Victor

    If you're stupid and normal
    You probably won't get somewhere in life...