There is no way to win at life |
Blessed be the harbingers and those that heed them |
Sometimes I want to burn everything to ashes, just to rebirth a Phoenix |
Just because you’re lost, it doesn’t mean you aren’t exactly where you need to be |
Control is an illusion. |
The sun itself will one day know darkness |
Boris Johnson says they are levelling up by being “tough on crime” and “carrying out tougher sentences” but that’s dealing with the symptom rather than the cause. Levelling up would be finding out why people are turning to crime in the first place. |
There is a medicine to be found in altruism and an alleviation through kindness. |
When we suffer we tend to go one of three ways; we find a way to hurt others, we find a way to hurt ourselves or we find a way to help others. Of such choices, I have only ever found an escape from my own suffering by helping others to escape theirs. |
What gods fear above all other things, like humans, is time. For there was a time before gods and one day godless times will come again. |