Quotes About Life

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  • Within each tear there's a lesson.

    95 4
  • Children soak up the world. Do them a favour, show them the sea of goodness, the waterfalls of love, and the perils that lay in the rivers dark.

    68 5
  • Love is like respect, it starts from within.

    61 3
  • The older I get, the more I realize the less I matter
    except to a few, and the pressure grows daily to become
    everything to them.

    36 1
  • Words are fruitless when connected to a tainted heart.

    32 0
  • What if this life is truly death.

    Think upon it, before birth we were dead for billions of eons, perhaps this is the afterlife and the past was life.

    20 0
  • My heart is for giving
    but my soul dies if I dont feed it first.

    18 0
  • Darkness doesn't come in, it's the light that abandons us.

    15 0
  • Sometimes you have to work on protecting yourself more than your desire to protect others.

    14 0
  • Learn a person then fall in love; if you fall in love first- then good luck!

    14 0