When you were born, |
I don't worry about my reputation, |
NOT MINE!!!!!!!!! |
IM a StRoNg GiRl WhO kEePs HeR sTuFf In LiNe. EvEn WhEn I hAvE tEaRs GoInG dOwN mY fAcE, i AlWaYs MaNaGe To SaY tHoSe TwO wOrDs -Im FiNe- |
The ultimate key to life is happiness. |
I dont understand the pain in life, the Life in beauty, the astouding pain in love. |
The only things in life that are truly worth dying for, are the things that are worth living for. |
. I've learned so much from my mistakes; |
I'd rather be beaten with truth |
Love isn't the game. Life is the game, love is just part of the experience that draws a lot of players. |