Poems About Desired Love

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  • Shut up, and sleep with me (11)

    by Landi Cordier

    Close your eyes,
    forget your pain...

  • But Then... (11)

    by Gem

    The things that you do
    Can make me feel loved...

  • Lonely Love (11)

    by *Charisma*

    I fell within your beauty's grasp and so it pulled...
    And ne'er do I wish to ever leave it again...

  • Lost Prayers (11)

    by Tony E

    You pray to god every night,
    Asking for the same thing...

  • Unsung thee undone (11)

    by Reborn Rival

    Let surpass the task of heart
    then no more shall I last...

  • =)darling(= (11)

    by Sweet lig

    I know and you know
    From the very start...

  • I am Jealous (11)

    by Goran Rahim

    I am jealous of
    The lipstick in your purse...

  • Untittled (11)

    by Sweet lig

    When no one seems to listen...

  • It seems so long ago,
    That you were just a crush...

  • Now and again (11)

    by Finalgravedigger

    Day by Day, week by week i see u at school with a...
    I know this poem somewaht yet weak but i like it...

  • In mymind (11)

    by ♥gloria˚s~glen♥

    In my mind
    my thoughts fly to you...

  • Wish We Were Together
    While miles apart...