Poems About Desired Love

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  • In many ways we are the same
    But opposites attract...

  • Lonesome Hearts (11)

    by Simon Hayes

    My heart a lonely vagabond
    Itching to be cleansed...

  • The kiss (11)

    by Hurtingsoul

    A bit long ...sorry....
    Eyes locked, faces stern, to much for me...

  • Love (11)

    by master of shadow

    Many search for it,
    Convinced of it's existence...

  • Remember Me Always (11)

    by Amanda Renee

    So many memories we've made together.
    As the years have slowly passed tears may have...

  • Unrequited Love!!! (11)

    by Robert Gardiner

    (This is a poem I wrote quite a long while ago to...

  • If I (11)

    by Bill Turner

    If I could spend the rest of my life in your arms
    My days and nights would be filled with love...

  • Invisibilty (11)

    by RetiCent

    Look at me, tell me what you see.. Do you see what...
    A failure, a loser, and somebody who will remain...

  • What i seek (11)

    by Neil

    A Young Lady is what I seek,
    Some one quiet and meek...

  • Open book (11)

    by Melissa

    Being pretty has only got me so far
    Right into your arms...

  • A Wonderful Dream (11)

    by Jesse Ray

    A Wonderful Dream
    There's a story of a little boy...

  • Broken Glass (11)

    by TheDevilHerself

    A yellow rose inside me
    Is dying as i speak...