Mysterious soft white fog surrounds
grey eyes filled with heated compassion...
She used me, I knew it at the time
True love is always blind...
Laughter mends the broken heart, while music...
Alas, it only does it's best work for those who...
Winter skies reveal trechary
Fall leaves are fallen souls...
I know better to believe in love
After all that I've been through...
In the whispers of the wind,
I'm sure I hear your name...
Your pretty face and gentle smile
Is always on my mind...
Love has filled the air
Once again, but no one cares...
Dreaming of your kisses,
Sweet, hot & wet...
Am I fool to still believe?
To an illusion that might be...
The fire that was lit so long ago
From when I first saw the spark in your eyes...
There is a boy who has
his eyes on this girl who...