Poems About Desired Love

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  • Desert Rose (13) 8

    by Ya----Na

    I never heard her voice, still it sounds to me

  • Missing Pieces

    by darknessandshadows

    My heart lays as a puzzle, pieces scattered all...
    Most are there, but others seem impossible to be...

  • My Head Or My Heart (4) 2

    by Joseph Boadi

    Addled I stare with squinted thought
    As my heart and my steel head wrought...

  • existence

    by paul albert gatdula

    She is fire, I was water.
    She is cold, I was warm...

  • I want love

    by Alice rider

    I want it so bad
    The feeling that you get when he says your name...

  • Parallel universe (22) 15 WIN

    by Ya----Na

    Seasons come and go,
    but it's always the same for me...

  • Macabre.

    by Rosy Cheeks And Irony

    Your past haunts me like a ghost haunting a...
    I am twenty million houses all with screams...

  • you are the earth
    so beautiful and mysterious...

  • Earth & Moon (32) 14 WIN

    by silvershoes

    Do you think the moon longs for the earth; longs
    to kiss his rolling hills...

  • Worthy thou art of glowing praise - in all the...
    so humbly I ode - an emotive rhyming bode...

  • Can't shake the feeling that I was supposed to...
    But we got the timing all wrong and our syncopated...

  • Honest Love Poem (4) 4

    by Elizabeth

    It feels like I've never gotten what I wanted.
    Or more like I never will again...