You play with words like toys
Making them twist and turn...
I hear your problems, I will wipe away a tear. I...
You are somewhere between day and night,
I believe few people are made of daylight...
The sun hides behind your chest,
The sky behind your eyelids...
Your smile fuels my hope,
Even when I think that there is no chance in the...
The sun shining through the trees,
The grass waving with the breeze...
Silver night
The stars cast away from the shine of this moon...
Everytime time I see you I feel the need to hide,
Your presence is unbearable...
The time will come
When it will rain on your parade...
I’m losing myself in a self-destructive battle,
With blood gushing through my open wounds...
Id love to be the air you breathe love that floods...
Ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew for a fact...