The grey-white sky does not depress my view:
Most beautiful of things do turn to grey...
You are a rose that flourishes with love
Thus with this love, I plant you in my heart...
The sky falls neatly on the sand.
With arms outstretched they beg...
i will light up the heavens just with your kisses
and thousand suns will flow on thee...
Love can be cruel as love can be kind
Love is the thing that can torture a mind...
To my bloom:
I would love to dip my nose forever in your petals...
Fluffy cocoa powder
from the green iron tin...
In everything
That touches me...
In the distance thunder clouds
collecting its strength rolling across...
I loved the love and i still love of it,
because it's a light break in endless darkness...
To be her Lover
you must rediscover...
Your breasts are
mountain haves of honey and zest...