Following the seemingly irreversible strangled...
It’s not the fear of losing yourself that haunts...
I saw the red flags
the manipulation...
The aroma of your heated passion,
Fills my lungs to linger there...
"The first E"
There is a sip just a sip...
I'm a Christian but i have an old SELF
She died along with my ego...
Hello, my only friend, who loves me in the cold.
Watch the sun rise through desert eyes and break...
I had a sky full of stars under the bonfire...
Love missing (read from top to bottom)
Our relationship will end...
You can measure the
Joules that are generated...
????Laying down,
Closing eyes...
Crazy and Connected
We still as one...
I tore down the foundation of where we began in...
Where once we stood as high school sweethearts...