Dedicated to Cindy Graver's husband John F. Graver...
Dec 12, 1958 - March 10, 2001...
You make my heart flutter
My pulse starts to race...
True love is catching his eye and smiling for no...
True love is wishing you were with him 24/7...
Her and I have separate hearts
But they beat to the same drum...
It happened one night
When I was alone...
My sweethearts take this gentle rose
Press it to your heart and always remember...
These roses for you my love, today
Pink perfection in a long stemmed creation...
As the sweet scented petals slowly
Fall from the pink and crimson sky...
Standing by my window thinking
About you...
Forgive the world we live in
the reckless devastation...
I haven`t seen you
In what feels like forever...
I trusted you with all my heart and handed it over...
after you promised to fill it with love all the...