Poems About Lasting Love

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  • Anemone Eyes (14) 2

    by Unknown

    Whispering winds wisp my auburn locks behind my...
    just like you would do if you were here...

  • Only You and Me... (2)

    by The Dead Poet

    A bright sunshine,
    Filtered from top of pine...

  • The time is perfect the time is now
    I take your hand and off we go...

  • Lost in angel eyes (20)

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Did you ever notice
    the sensation that comes...

  • Our Story (2)

    by White Orchid

    Every time our eyes meet
    A power within overcomes me...

  • Charity (8) 9 WIN

    by Melpomene

    I offered to you,
    -all I had...

  • Even If Its Wrong (2)

    by honeybump

    I wanna get over you,
    But you're everywhere to me...

  • Let us not die peacefully.
    Let us not leave...

  • To... My Soul Mate (7) 1

    by East Poetry

    A Soul mate is a perfect love,
    But what exactly could that be...

  • Torturing art (4) 1

    by Meme

    "Sorry, I don't think I love you"
    She just said it with a cold heart...

  • Happily Ever After (13)

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Blossomed beauty, exquisite flower.
    Embracing love and all its power...

  • Reflecting upon times that are past,
    I measure my growth in leaps and bounds...