Poems About Lasting Love

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  • Crash (3)

    by Krista

    Let me soar away,
    exploding orbitals...

  • Eternal Angel (5)

    by isabel

    The sound of laughter echoed through the night
    Fading in the serene wind, as leaves begin to fall...

  • The Blind Coud Even Witness Our Love (3)

    by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex

    (Love you?)
    It's not a question, it's simply a unconscious...

  • Nothing in the least regret
    Somehow every piece is set...

  • Falling Stars (4)

    by xLeftxBehindx

    Sky so blue swallowing us up in it's darkness
    Ocean so deep reaching less every time the waves...

  • Sleep (5)

    by Mister 47

    Hearing your heartbeat, touching your fear within
    Hiding you from them, trying to not let them in...

  • We were together onece (4)

    by Lesbian Natalie

    We Were Together Onece
    By:Natalie K. Heym...

  • If I could be more beautiful
    Would you tell me I'm the one...

  • I see the doubt
    Right there in your eyes...

  • Just love (4)

    by XxRed RougexXKoRn

    Hugs five minutes long
    just sitting there...

  • Waiting for love that is already found
    I try to keep it inside, tightly bound...

  • It's time to live like you never lived before
    To stand up in the rain, when storms cross the sky...