Poems About Lasting Love

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  • Open (4)

    by I love you always and today

    As we lay on the sand by the ocean
    Our hearts will begin to open...

  • For my dearest you (6)

    by blueknight

    My dearest, now we're together
    And I feel much better...

  • Falling Rain (4)

    by Brittany Hampson

    The lovers come out,
    When the rain falls...

  • Im never gonna let you go (5)

    by xXxXhes the everything i cudve asked forXxXx

    Why do you keep appearing
    when my mind tells me your in the process of...

  • Forever (3)

    by danielle

    When i look in your eyes and see your bright smile...

  • Michael (acrostic) (10)

    by Birgit

    Michael was the name of my boyfriend...

  • Who needs the sun? (4)

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    I don't need the sun
    I got you, you're the only one...

  • Too short of temper.
    Countless things to remember...

  • The question.. (5)

    by brokensoldier

    As the light of day begins to fade
    I wonder how long you'll be...

  • Together.We.Our.Love (7)

    by 2AStarOfEfinity

    Love feels right
    On a Winters night...

  • It makes me mad when I can't fall asleep, because...
    It scares me when you talk about other girls...

  • A wish too live life numb (6)

    by Crystal Gaze

    Tell me not you love another,
    Until I rest within the ground...