Poems About Lasting Love

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  • Fill my goblet with lasting love,
    And allow it to overflow...

  • A Story. (3)

    by Megan Sue

    We've spoken our last words
    It still seems like theres more to say...

  • Let me begin to love you
    As the world turns...

  • July 8th (5)

    by robin milford

    July 8th
    Once was a ordinary day...

  • I Still Love You (Acrostic) (3)

    by Avrii Monrielle

    An acrostic poem is that of which each line is...

  • Angel of life (5)

    by Tracy D Rollings

    Searching for the where abouts, of that one love
    praying that you find it, with help from above...

  • Precious (5)

    by Tracy D Rollings

    Like the sun, that comes up over the tree's
    and the wind, as it blows a gentle breeze...

  • Promise Me (4)

    by waitin for my vampire

    Promise me you'll catch me if ever I should fall
    Promise me you'll be there if i call...

  • Sing With Me [Kyrielle] (17)

    by Sweet Fragility

    When you look into my blue eyes
    I can see the burning passion...

  • My eternal lover (3)

    by Ingrid

    Near the riverbed I stood before you
    the wind blowing through my long blond hair...

  • Always On My Mind (7)

    by Brittney

    Sitting on a rock
    The wind blowing in my hair...

  • If ever there is a time,
    When there is someone you need...