Poems About Lasting Love

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  • My Savior (4)

    by Krazy

    I feel the anger inside
    starting with a thought...

  • I like to wake up by your side (1)

    by Alice Isabelle

    When you wake up in the morning
    its as if nothing...

  • Forgotten Dreams (Huitain) (4)

    by Italian Stallion

    Thoughts of you wander through my dream.
    Memories of us, disappear...

  • You could never (6)


    I don't think you will
    ever fully understand...

  • Love (acrostic) (5)

    by Brittany C

    Lovely butterflies flutter in my stomach.
    Over the years we have only grown closer...

  • You Say... (3)

    by Jayleen

    You say my eyes
    Are like the rain...

  • Inside This Light (3)

    by Unrequited

    Hearts glowing beyond this desire
    sharpened trust that screams your name...

  • Ur Hurtin Me So Much (3)

    by wordsmovemasses

    BUT U GOT H3R TOO...

  • Im a believer (3)

    by Naman Goel

    Never before did I experience this fever.
    I used to be a non-believer...

  • In the End (3)

    by Brittney Follett

    Baby, I don't know what to do...
    I'm sorry that I broke your heart...

  • Love me with your heart (4)

    by doug frazier

    Love me with your heart, no matter what the future...
    Because someday this young body, will be wrinkled...

  • Love and Negotiation (5)

    by dollwithafrown

    Sitting in the park on that beautiful day,
    Spending time patiently talking away...