Love Poems

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  • You're the Reason (12) 1

    by JustKristina

    You're the reason
    For the hearts...

  • Her Porcelain dreams. (25)

    by Crystal Gaze

    Porcelain dreams.
    By Elaine .C...

  • You dare not to answer,
    as in the night she whispers your name...

  • Priceless Occasion (33)

    by BrokenREALiTy

    Why do people regret so much,
    The relationship that ended in sorrow...

  • What he is. (18)

    by Birgit

    I think I've found the love of my life,
    The boy of my dreams...

  • My Perfect Dream (24)

    by EssenceOfLace

    Drink Away The Pain,
    Cut Away The Sorrow...

  • The colours of Love (9)

    by Lithium

    Red as the roses that brush against your lips,
    Sweet as the touch at the end of your fingertips...

  • Another Lonely Night (18)

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    The memories are all I have of time we spent as...
    I will never turn back time, the swords and...

  • Every minute (6)

    by June

    Every minute of my day ,
    is spent thinking about you...

  • Steamy Affair (15) 1

    by Jackie

    Gasps and moans disturb his sleep
    Forcing him out of bed to leap...

  • Moments to Memories (32)

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    The night was young, as were we,
    Two kids who thought we knew it all...

  • It Was Just A Dream... (12)

    by BlueEyedMystery

    The sun is shinning
    We're hand in hand...