Love Poems

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  • The Woman He Likes but Does Not Love (9) 8

    by Someone Invisible

    How did you find yourself flat on your back with...
    Your heart is heavy and you threaten to choke on...

  • Commercialized (15) 8

    by mossgirl19

    You are not water,
    maybe one day when your bed turns cold...

  • More beautiful than you know,
    Prettier than you think...

  • The Last Tear (20) 8

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    There you go my sweetheart
    Here is my last tear...

  • Wings (7) 8

    by CJ Maleney

    You cannot fly with but one wing
    Without your voice you cannot sing...

  • Like a Reflex (12) 8

    by mossgirl19

    Like a reflex, my eyes would gaze at the moon at...
    Because like a reflex, my mind is lost in a time...

  • In the Head of a Victim (35) 8 WIN

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Here, in this tumultuous world,
    I have this truth that stands...

  • Red Roses (Acrostic) (14) 8

    by Michael

    Romance echoes through the air as
    Euphoric feelings entwine...

  • Closing Bodies (11) 8

    by Sherry Caayupan

    Land of a thousand miles ahead,
    I could see greener pastures for love awaiting...

  • Colours of love (18) 8

    by Michael

    You were.. array of colours...

  • Untitled (17) 8

    by mossgirl19

    I am nervous
    Because I have...

  • The Silence of Our Lives (9) 8 WIN

    by Larry Chamberlin

    When we met we were silent
    - a glance...