Love Poems

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  • Denying Her Beauty (12) 8

    by Wayne Gates

    It is so obvious to me, the beauty she shows
    Her smile is infectious and her eyes have a glow...

  • Voluntary Amnesia (6) 8 HM

    by mossgirl19

    I needed to erase your memory
    A part of my brain needs to shut down...

  • blank hue (11) 8 WIN

    by pmmurphy

    i seemed to like it.
    the way you looked away from me...

  • Rapidly, I'm Falling (10) 8

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

    I see things in different ways...

  • Luna (song) (16) 8

    by Maher

    Darling Luna, shine as the night drips by -
    I'll miss your face at the call of the sun...

  • Why do my lady's lips glisten with blood?
    Just yesterday we kissed like lovers do...

  • My Love (19) 8

    by deeplydesturbed

    A special world for you and me
    A special bond one cannot see...

  • Our Ballad (6) 8 WIN

    by silvershoes

    A vision of glowing coal in a dying fire,
    embers scintillating...

  • Casting Charms (5) 8 WIN

    by sibyllene

    I want to make worlds
    in miniature...

  • Reverie (8) 8 WIN

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I wish to dream the day away
    Lost in thought of yesterday...

  • Sitting alone in this midnight train
    Traveling in my daily nightmares...

  • Just Friends? (91) 8

    by LeAnNe

    I love you more every day,
    My name I long for you to say...