Love Poems

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  • Song of your heart (10) 11

    by naaz

    Today, once again, she asked that same question
    'where are you?' while looking at a star...

  • Loving, Never Forgetting (10) 11

    by mossgirl19

    Holding your hand seemed like a dream
    I’m wide awake watching you smile...

  • Whiteout (22) 11

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Icy extremities chill chambers
    That once they set alight...

  • Heaven or dust (11) 11

    by Ya----Na

    It took me
    more than a year to speak...

  • I whispered to the wind Of my
    hollowed misery...

  • Up in the Clouds...
    Their spirits together, them both hand in hand...

  • Undefined (13) 11

    by mossgirl19

    To what form shall I compare Thee, my Lord?
    That I shall be complete when I attempt...

  • I Never Will Forget You (Extremely Long) (228) 11

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    (this poem is currently in the process of being...
    My head lays on my pillow...

  • Sunshine In The Winter (9) 10

    by Wong Chiaw Jing

    The birds are flying freely,
    and chirping like an orchestra...

  • New Love (10) 10

    by Andrew Chan

    When I first saw you
    I felt suffocate...

  • New Love (7) 10

    by Nurin Izanie

    You were once my 4 seasons,
    but I despised cold the most...

  • New Love (11) 10

    by benpopslambmonkey

    Its time to let go,
    the previous soulmate...