Love Poems

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  • Loves In The Air (1) 2

    by Walter

    What can't be described
    When she walks in the room...

  • you
    and me...

  • Lady Wind, through rustling leaves,
    where she doth blow, they go...

  • New Love (11) 11

    by benpopslambmonkey

    Its time to let go,
    the previous soulmate...

  • 21 Percent - Senryu (8) 6

    by Walter

    Love's like oxygen
    It does not have to be pure...

  • The Season (3) 3

    by Alaskan Husky

    I've given it up for His sake for my faith
    Knowing by His grace I will be blessed throughout...

  • Let me take your hand and a moment for a dance,
    You may not accept but this would be our chance...

  • Sunshine in the Winter (6) 11

    by Khor Hui Chuan Bryan

    What is love?
    A strong feeling of fondness...

  • Sunshine in the Winter (8) 12

    by Seng Yong Tan

    A crack on the ice,
    Sliding is in sight...

  • Trifid Nebula (13) 17 WIN

    by The Princess

    (I dream, sir, of the routes of my childhood
    of braiding my hair...

  • Seeing Stars 3

    by Walter

    There is something that we share
    A smile, a touch, a hug, a stare...

  • One more night (6) 5

    by Fredy RoMa0u Sanchez

    One more night falls delicately in the horizon..
    And While others sleep I start rising...