Love Poems

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  • Forever (5)

    by Forever Broken

    He smiles when she walks into the room
    he's always thinking of her...

  • You (3)

    by I am begining to think it is not worth loving you

    I used to draw hearts around your name
    now i just draw hearts...

  • Waiting (4) 1

    by Gypsy

    The clock's still moving slowly,
    The time keeps grinding on...

  • Te extrano(spanish poem) (2)

    by Diana J. Armenta

    Porque no puedo quitarte de mi mente,
    siempre estas presente...

  • To the Moon and back (4) 5

    by Walter

    Sometimes I feel like I'm on Mars,
    You are on Earth...

  • What We Use To Be (1) 1

    by MysteryMan

    Sweet memories fill my head of what we use be
    Reminiscing on the good times we shared...

  • Us (2) 2

    by Victor


  • Never give up (15) 8

    by Walter

    Sometimes I feel like saying
    I have nothing more to say...

  • Poseidon's Realm (9) 6

    by Risqué

    I would swim the depths of the ocean
    just to discover your roots...

  • My Princess (6) 4

    by Stephen Levant

    Though seen from so far afar, thou hast captured...

  • While You Sleep (Senryu) (7) 7

    by mossgirl19

    You breathe next to me
    Eyes closed, innocent they are...

  • On Going to the Wars (14) 6

    by Therapoetic4

    I've read of Lucasta and Althea
    And I can only conclude...