Sky scrapers vanish into untouchable clouds,
People stroll the city amongst sardine canned...
Your love was like a battle,
Your love gave me much pain...
I hope everytime she holds you close,
Your heart beats a little faster...
It's obvious that you never loved me,
it's obvious that you never cared...
Whispers in the moonlight,
A sweet sigh, a soft caress...
Those moments caught by my eyes like,
A glorious sunset or fabulous sunrise...
Dear heart, stop yourself from loving.
How many times do you have to break...
She likes him.
He likes her...
What is Love
I thought I knew...
My heart spills like the water falling around me.
Thunderous clashes form inside our bodies...
You asked me if I could have anything what would...
I looked and looked away as I thought that you...
Remember the boy who loved a girl?
He lost his love; it crashed his world...