Poems About Rekindled Love

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  • Would it be wrong

    by Lindsay

    If you came back and told me that you loved me
    would it be wrong to...

  • I went away
    Cuz I was accepted...

  • Breaking

    by Charlene

    Although at times I put on a brave face
    I'm falling to pieces inside...

  • Trying my hardest not to cry
    It was exactly one year ago, today...

  • Stand On

    by Sparklylipgloss

    Everytime I fell so hard, and you..
    Promised me, you would pull me through...

  • An emo boi broke my heart
    i knew what had to start...

  • I am sitting here at the edge of my bed,
    here i kneel praying and hoping it works just like...

  • It's OvEr!!!

    by jess

    She looked him up and down,
    he only did a sigh n frown...

  • Quiet and watching -
    wondering as you approach...

  • My feelings

    by SweetGurl

    When i look into those big brown eyes i see my...
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  • How can I...

    by Monica Rodriguez

    How can I tell you I love you
    how can I show you I care...

  • Fate, my foe.

    by eXecrabilis

    Is it fate that brings us back together?
    For some reason our love never truly severs...