Poems About Rekindled Love

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  • Overwhelming. (3)

    by Poet on the Piano

    Your fingertips tiptoe up my spine,
    inviting me to fall under your spell...

  • Witness to Bold Affection (1)

    by Mimed Lovette

    I could feel a love once missed
    passing in between the paused gasps of two lovers...

  • Fracture ~ Maybe 1

    by Rosy Cheeks And Irony

    We try to run from our own fatality of which
    eclipses us in that same...

  • Poure to much

    by Esperanza N M Ramirez

    Maybe I poured to much of my heart to you
    or did I not poor enough to you...

  • Night"s shame... (2)

    by Dancing Rivers

    Twilight"s glistening eyes shine,
    As he gazes upon his love...

  • Soul mate (3)

    by ennyperry

    Like a river flowing from its source
    like a dew on a blossom flower...

  • Frozen in time (2)

    by sun spots

    The first time that i saw you,
    after twenty eight years apart...

  • Same Route (2)

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    29th May, 2010...
    With an intoxicating scent...

  • Let's Pretend (2)

    by Kakera

    Let's pretend for a second
    that the next time we meet...

  • Hello (3) 1

    by CJ Maleney

    It's just a word right? 5 letters. Nothing...
    Possibly the most important word in the world...

  • New start (1)

    by Lannesa

    I lay here with nothing but tears in my eyes
    Eyes burning from all the cries...

  • Wannabe Hero (2) 1

    by CJ Maleney

    I threw a rope around the moon,
    I tried to prove my worth...