Today was your graduation, and I watched you move...
I am sorry I’m not happy because soon you...
Illusions of light
flicker briefly on your cheek...
He looks to his side and see's her talking,
Staring in awe as she flips her hair...
Steer clear of emotions,
disguise your every beat...
From the time I set eyes on you to the time we
Introduced each other and I finally got to know...
Why do I have to like you so much
Out of all the fish in the sea...
When I think about you
If I could dream at night
and if those dreams came true...
Perched on the edge of your world
My legs dangling over the side...
This dark hidden corner torments me so
How could this intense fervor cause me woe...
All those things I want to say, fail to escape
from my heart in your presence...
hot lips woman, serves
me a dessert; but my taste...