Poems About Secret Love

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  • Today was your graduation, and I watched you move...
    I am sorry I’m not happy because soon you...

  • Fixing a broken record (9)

    by Lexi Lou

    Illusions of light
    flicker briefly on your cheek...

  • The Unknown Love (9)

    by David Paul

    He looks to his side and see's her talking,
    Staring in awe as she flips her hair...

  • Two Broken Hearts (9)

    by Heather M Craig

    Steer clear of emotions,
    disguise your every beat...

  • Love At First Sight (9)

    by Bobby Brownlie

    From the time I set eyes on you to the time we
    Introduced each other and I finally got to know...

  • Why? (9)

    by Nicole♥

    Why do I have to like you so much
    Out of all the fish in the sea...

  • When I think about you

  • If I Could Dream At Night (9)

    by Ankur Nayyar

    If I could dream at night
    and if those dreams came true...

  • Erm? ... no (8) 3

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Perched on the edge of your world
    My legs dangling over the side...

  • Dark Corners (8) 5

    by Brise

    This dark hidden corner torments me so
    How could this intense fervor cause me woe...

  • Other than you (8) 7

    by naaz

    All those things I want to say, fail to escape
    from my heart in your presence...

  • Dessert (Senryu) - 2 (8) 4

    by Augustus Black

    hot lips woman, serves
    me a dessert; but my taste...