Roses are red violets are blue god blessed me with...
sorry if theres spelling mistakes im only 11...
Do you see the smile on my face that beams?
I put it on to hide my dreams...
Crystal tears fall from my closed eyelids
I'm seeing what may never be...
Deep inside,
you have an ocean of passion...
The days we see each other,i smile.
the days we don't see each other, i think about...
I confess my love but you just laugh,
because u thought that i was just joking...
Honney let's play a dirty game
Cupid shot my heart the day you came...
You have been my mornings
my days and my nights...
Love it is so crystal clear,
Passion rises when you're near...
Silent moments together, Creates passionate desire
Feeling the closeness of nature that bloomed on...
A beautiful day with you.
Laughing as the ocean spray kissed our faces...
Your eyes don't lie
And they're staring into mine...