Poems About Secret Love

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  • Northern Lights (2) 1

    by Walter

    Even when sunlight fades, your skin begins to glow
    Your stars igniting in the sky, all elegantly show...

  • Footsteps echo off
    Trees illuminated by an ethereal glow...

  • has anyone ever told you
    that your eyes smiles...

  • Obsidian Demon 1

    by Synful

    Her kiss tastes of heaven, and of hell.
    Brimstone colors her lips...

  • Jus me and you 1

    by Meriem Otman

    I'm in love with your dedication; it gives me...
    I was frozen, but you warmed me up...

  • Her beau

    by El_Mabini

    Yes, it was a dirty, dirty move.
    to let my heart rise up the roof...

  • Divergent directions, sincere sweet affections
    I'm pulled towards him and then pulled away...

  • My heart aches in silence 1

    by Meriem Otman

    You're all up in my head, like nothing else even...
    I feel your vibe in everything, can't escape your...

  • Non stoppable heart beat
    Because of those magical eye...

  • Despicable

    by Tortured Poet

    Did you see my face?
    Even though it was so dark...

  • Deep 2

    by Tara-Kay

    It pains me when I speak,
    of those nights spent alone...

  • Shattered glass,
    The glass is shattered...