Popular Misc. Poems

  • Dad always told me to
    'Reap what you sow' and...

  • Traffic Jam (2) 9

    by Maple Tree

    There are days when words
    go bumper to bumper with...

  • Walls (2) 6

    by Acacia

    The fantasies broke
    The dream is gone...

Latest Misc. Poems

  • In the weight of all they say,
    they reach weightlessness...

  • Secret sighs 1

    by writer

    The rose wilted the night before you returned
    from the depths of the ocean...

  • In the Sea 1

    by ddavidd

    Before reaching the end,
    life placed you before me...

Misc. Quotes

  • A writer not only writes what the writer feels but the writer can also feel what the writer writes

  • Being in love is like playing with fire you always get burned

    by TheMask
  • Must keep my eyes open, can't fall asleep yet, I'm widely wake, but for how long?