Frozen forever in one stance
A child’s play thing at one glance...
Just a plain ole country girl
Never asked for riches or gold...
How pathetic is it
That I sit with emotion...
These hands I see are long and thin
Soft yet firm with silken skin...
Sometimes goodbyes,
Are the hardest things to say...
I do not wish to hurt you!
Yet I want to see you weep...
An evening of a friends’ time of celebration
the venue was steeped in birthday decoration...
September rains have arrived
biting their tongues...
Black, darkness, yet oddly bright
Yearning for a satisfaction only you can bring...
Write me in color blue
as if you were drawing to me an ocean of words...
Seconds tick, tock
in catacombs of nerve...
Once upon a twilight,
I would prance across...