You had me when you said hello
and i was yours from the get-go...
Scribbles, designed to shape, form
Creating dust winds, colorful storm...
Azure shadows filled the head,
on the moon's top we danced...
Dumb dumb give me gum gum
I'm their dumb dumb...
(Please note, I don't mean to offend ANYBODY by...
Lots of women say...
Clement man sits as punctual as can be,
Knowing there are watchers all around...
Ever made sense of the voices that tell you,
experience is cheap and words cost lives...
There is a place I call my home,
A website known as Poems-and-Quotes...
Mythical angels standing tall;
Listening to words which form a song...
Eyes weary and blurred from the start
Trembling the tears of an open heart...
There is this guy who sings
he is everything dreams are made of...
Transformed Hans Christian Anderson's short story...
The Little Mermaid...