British November weather lashes down
as I think of friends all over the world...
To my dearest daddy
Today I was born into this world...
Her eyes become bat wings
during a nightmare of tourturous...
What a life for you to have
What a life to live and lead...
Recent months we have seen
A very different Grandma...
Two a m cant sleep
Knock me out already please...
I battle love and all its woes as did the son of...
Heracles lend me your strength and visions of...
Excuse me, please, excuse me miss
I'm here to find myself...
The pieces of the puzzle fit
but the picture tells a different story...
If I were you, I wouldn't have forgiven myself.
I wouldn't have the patience to wait and see what...
Tonight I saw...
Darkness sounds me
As I awake in a haze...