Misc. Poems

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  • This Christmas time, when winter came around,
    dear Michael saw some snow in P and Q...

  • An Orange Man (8) 6 HM

    by Everlasting

    I was peeled
    into the shape of a human...

  • A New Generation Of Poets (8) 2

    by Everlasting

    I believe
    the Shakespearean language...

  • Trust me no more.. (8) 5

    by deeplydesturbed

    Looking downwards, I see my own mistake
    The white carpet now soaked in red liquid...

  • My Thoughts (8) 5

    by DarkLight

    May you find comfort in the balance of light...
    As the winds whisper, may the words fill your...

  • I'll never be a pillow under your head,
    easing you to sleep at night, right mother...

  • Ebay (acrostic) (8) 6

    by Phil

    Everything goes on sale on Ebay
    Because we can be ungrateful souls...

  • How to make bread (8) 4

    by Phil

    First make sure you have all the ingredients
    Flour, oil, butter, yeast, water and salt...

  • Sleepless yet again (8) 4

    by deeplydesturbed

    It's two a.m. now.
    Why am I not sleeping then...

  • Reminiscent (8) 6 HM

    by Mahal Ko Kuya Ko

    Those sunflowers bring resonance:
    your voice, March, pine trees...

  • Feeling myself (8) 4

    by deeplydesturbed

    Sadness overwhelms me,
    the darkness is consuming...

  • Security surrounds me (8) 3

    by deeplydesturbed

    Arms wrapped around me;
    Giving me a big cuddle...